Provide access to clean, affordable, and safe drinking water to needed communities around the world.

The Drinking Water Project (DWP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit international water charity unlocking human potential by providing safe drinking water sources, such as well water with filtration system, to needed communities who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to drinking water. With your generous donations and supports, we can make a lasting difference in people’s life. Together we can restore hope and dignity for our people.

Together we can solve the global drinking water crisis. Let's join our hands to make this goal a reality.

``More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war``
United Nation Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
We can bring some hope and dignity

Let's us work on the
Drinking Water Crisis

Drinking water is a fundamental human right. However, over 2 billion people worldwide need access to drinking water. 207 million people spend over 30 minutes per round trip to collect water from an improved source, such as well, small pond, small stream.

Sub-saharan Africa

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Latin America

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We primarily serve three regions: Sub-saharan Africa, Latin America and India.